Online Bill Pay
Online Bill Pay from Investment Savings Bank is the fastest, easiest, most convenient way to pay all of your bills. Paying bills online is easier and takes less time than opening the envelop containing your paper bill, reviewing it, writing a check, and keeping and filing manual records of your payments. Once you have enrolled and entered you Payees, just enter a payment amount, schedule the payment date and you are done.
To make paying bills online even easier, you can receive your bills online from many of your Payees/Billers as well.
With Bill Pay, you’ll have access to these great features:
- Search for vendors. Add new vendors simply by typing in the company name. If a match is found in the database, the vendor’s information will be added automatically. No more hunting down mailing addresses! Simply enter your account number and add your bills to be paid.
- Set up reminders. Never make a late payment again! When you set up reminders, you will receive a message telling you when your payment is due.
- Pay from multiple checking accounts. Choose which checking account to pay your bills from.
- Make recurring payments. Eliminate the hassle of paying your monthly bills by setting up recurring payments. This is a great option for payments that don’t change from month to month-such as your car payment or mortgage.
- See it all at a glance! The Payment Center lets you make payments and view pending payments, recent payments, and bill reminders all on the same screen.